It's About the Energy

When you view the world both inside and around you as energy fields, it shifts your perspective on how we all move through the stages of our lives. If you think of the energy fields that have been with you since birth, the ones you have moved through and left behind, you notice you are in a constant flow - moving from energy field to energy field with or without the awareness of this process.


There are three primary energy fields.

The first is the past – which is an energy field you already co-created and experienced on some level. When applying the practice of energy management, the way to manage a past energy field or energy of the past, is to choose what to hold on to and what to let go of.  We need to hold on to the wisdom of the past and release the pain, the suffering, and the challenges we faced on our way to gathering wisdom.

Dwelling in the past means you will miss the next energy field, which is the present. Your only job in this energy field is to do as Ram Dass taught; “Be Here Now.” The more present you are in the present, the more you flow and the more wisdom you will gather to bring with you into the future.

Being present, living in the present, is consciously living your soul’s purpose. Being fully present is more than mindful, its mindless. It’s experiencing every moment as a visceral experience, allowing yourself to fully engage in the life’s rhythm and enjoying the beauty of your life has. Staying in the center of the present requires practice, commitment, self-discipline and knowing when to release expectations and embrace acceptance.

The future energy field is simple but difficult energy field to manage.

It requires you to to be fearless regarding uncertainty by embracing the spiritual wisdom that you are not alone. By fueling your connection to the Sacred Source,  you will have faith and the strength to move through whatever the future brings, knowing you and your Higher Self will move through it together. You will face these challenges with courage and a commitment to stay on your spiritual path in spite of the challenges you will face on the physical plane.

Close your eyes for a moment and consider these three energy fields and ask yourself what you need to change to be able to move and flow seamlessly through them through your day…  Go in Peace.